Category: News


Feb 16′ 1st Year – Gold Level Sponsor of CSNO Annual Conference

The School Nurses of California Foundation was honored at the 66th Annual CSNO Conference, Sunday February 7, 2016 in Fresno.
 The “Above and Beyond Award” was accepted from CSNO’s President Kathy Ryan
 by Diane Durando (SNOCF Vice-President), Nancy Dames (SNOCF Treasurer), and Katy Waugh (SNOCF Board Member).


News for May 2024

New Website

Today we have launched a new website. The person who is our new webmaster has set this up.


This is my test post

My guide to being a nurse

My experience has been to try to become an advocate to my child patients.


Dr. Liz Dietz, EdD, RN, CS-NP, CSN, FAAN, is the new President

The Board of Directors of The School Nurses of California Foundation is very pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Liz Dietz, EdD, RN, CS-NP, CSN, FAAN, as its new President, effective July 1, 2023.  Liz has currently been serving on SNOCF’s Board since April 2020.  She also previously served on SNOCF’s Board from July 2015 – June 2017.  Liz takes over from Marilyn Alexander, who served as SNOCF’s president since October 2018. 

Dr. Dietz is currently employed with the American Red Cross’s Disaster Health Services in several capacities: Manager of the Virtual Family Assistance Center, Advisor/Mentor to the Armed Forces, and Disability Integration Regional Lead.

Dr. Dietz holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of San Francisco.   Liz is a Professor Emeritus from San Jose State University, where she taught school nurses, community health and leadership/management.  Dr. Dietz is also a credentialed school nurse with the San Jose Unified School District. 

Additionally, Dietz is past-President as well as past Director of Legislation of ANA\C.  She has also been on the Board of Directors for the American Nurses Association.  

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Liz Dietz as SNOCF’s new President!  We look forward to her dynamic leadership for the coming year!


S​NOCF is a Gold Level Sponsor for CSNO’s Annual Conference for the 9th Consecutive Year!

SNOCF is proud to announce that once again, for the 9th Consecutive Year, we are a Gold Level Sponsor for the California School Nurses Organization’s 2024 Annual Conference!  This year it is being held Feb. 7-11, 2024 in ​Rancho Mirage, CA.  

*We would like to welcome all California school nurse attendees!!!  Please come visit us at our booth and get some great information and earn a chance to win one of many wonderful raffle prizes!*
*Also please plan to attend our Saturday afternoon 4:00pm Breakout Session #5D in SALON F titled “Enhancing Your School Nurse Practice”.


SNOCF Honors Sheri Coburn with its “Bright Spark” Award!

The School Nurses of California Foundation extends its heartiest congratulations to CSNO’s Executive Director, Sheri Coburn, for being the very first recipient of SNOCF’s “Bright Spark Award” that was presented to her during CSNO’s 2024 Annual Conference in Palm Desert!  This newly created award honors individuals who spark SNOCF’s success by advocating for our Mission of supporting the work of school nurses. 

Sheri’s spark cannot be dimmed.  She has been instrumental in strengthening the partnership between CSNO and SNOCF.  Her strong leadership and non-stop energy for new ideas and projects have dazzled us.  She and her late husband Pete have been among SNOCF’s most generous financial donors.  Sheri lights up the room with her love of life, fun and laughter.  She sparks SNOCF and all school nurses to be the best we can be! 

Congratulations to you, Sheri, for this honor that you so richly deserve!


Positive Childhood Experiences/Benevolent Childhood Experiences (BCEs).

SNOCF is proud to share the following article titled “Positive Childhood Experiences/Benevolent Childhood Experiences (BCEs)… “ that was recently written by our physician Board Trustee, Suzanne Frank, MD, FAAP, which was published in the April 2023 edition of the CA-1 Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Pediatric Insider News!  This information is very important for school nurses, parents, and others to understand in order to help foster successful student learning.  
*Please click here for the link to the article. Congratulations, Dr. Frank!

yuuko-headshot (1)

Equity-Minded School Nurses Have a Superpower

SNOCF is extremely proud to share the following article titled “Equity-Minded School Nurses Have a Superpower” that was recently written by our Board Trustee, Yuuko Mabrey Johnson, MSN-Leadership, RN, CSN, which was published September 13, 2023 on the The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action website.  The Campaign for Action is an initiative of the AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.          This campaign works on several issues to strengthen nursing including: improving access to care; increasing diversity in nursing; transforming nursing education; fostering interprofessional collaboration; promoting nursing leadership; and collecting workforce data.  Ms. Johnson’s blog is an important call to school nurses and other stakeholders to support and engage in efforts for health equity. 
​*Please click here for the link to the article. Congratulations to you, Yuuko!